2004 Budget
Fact Sheets
Presentations and reports
- Highlights of the Budget Advisory Committee Recommended Capital and Operating Budget, presented to the Policy and Finance Committee by Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer Joe Pennachetti, on April 13, 2004 2004bac_rec_bud-apr13.pdf
- Budget Plan presentation by Chief Administrative Officer Shirley Hoy and Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer Joe Pennachetti, January 30, 2004 2004budgetlaunch_jan30.pdf
- Capital and operating budgets
2004 Financial Annual Report
Briefing Notes
- General
- Operating
- Impact of reducing the general inflation factor from 2% to 1.7% (April 1, 2004) *2004corp_impactofreducinginflation_2to1.pdf
- Economic Factors (February 17, 2004) 2004_br_bac_bn_ecofactor1feb16th_edited.pdf
- 2004 Gapping Analysis (February 17, 2004) 2004_br_gappinganalysis_edited.pdf
- Leap Year Salary and Benefit Costs (February 17, 2004) 2004_br_leapyeaimpact2004briefingnote_5_edited.pdf
- Summary of Utility Costs: 2001 to 2004 (February 17, 2004) 2004_br_summaryofutilities2001to2004_edited.pdf
- Summary of Changes in Approved Positions form 1998 through 2003 (February 16, 2004) 2004_br_summaryofchangesinapprovedpositions1998through2003_edited.pdf
- Summary of 2004 EMT Recommended Staffing Changes (February 16, 2004) 2004_br_summaryof2004emtrecommendedstaffchanges_edited.pdf
- 2004 Electricity Pricing- Ontario Government Rate Cap(February 10, 2004) 2004_br_elecpricingontgovratecap_edited.pdf
- Municipal Act, 2001- Notice Requirements for Changes to Fees and Charges (January 17, 2004) 2004_br_unserfeesfeb4_edited.pdf
- Capital
Community and Neighbourhood Services
- General
- Children's Services
- Homes for the Aged
- Shelter, Housing & Support
- Social Development and Administration
- Reallocation of Non-Program Expenditures Task Force Budget to Support Roundtables, the Mayor's Community Safety Initiative and Special Committees of Council (March 23, 2004) 2004_br_cns_sdataskforcebudget.pdf
- Social Services
Works and Emergency Services
- Emergency Management Program
- Emergency Medical Services
- Solid Waste Management Services
- Toronto Fire Services
- Transportation Services
- Implications of 2% Reduction (March 23, 2004) 2004_br_wes_trans2percentreduction.pdf
- Kensington Market and Church Street- Pedestrian Streets Proposal (March 23, 2004) 2004_br_wes_transkensingtonandchurch.pdf
- Front Street Extension Project, Summary of Activities (March 22, 2004) 2004_br_westransfrontstreetextension_edited.pdf
- Winter Maintenance Services, Mechanical Sidewalk Snow Clearing, Windrow Clearing, and Laneways (February 11, 2004) 2004_br_westra2wintermaintenance_edited.pdf
- Elimination of Special Mechanical Leaf Collection (February 11, 2004) 2004_br_westrans_mechleafcollection_edited.pdf
- Toronto Bike Plan (February 09, 2004) 2004_br_westrans_bikeplan_edited.pdf
- Water and Wastewater Services
- WES- Support Services
- WES- Technical Services
Economic Development, Culture & Tourism
- Culture
- Parks and Recreation
- Tourism
Urban Development Services
- Urban Development Services
Corporate Services
- City Clerk's Office
- Court Services
- Facilities & Real Estate
- Information Technology
- Chief Administrator's Office
Agencies, Boards & Commissions
- Arena Boards of Management
- Association of Community Centres
- Parking Tag Operations
- Theatres
- Toronto Parking Enforcement Unit
- Toronto Public Health
- Toronto & Region Conservation Authority
- Toronto Transit Commission
- Toronto Zoo
- Consolidated Grants
- Corporate Items