Centre For Local Research into Public Space (CELOS)
Address: 133 Cass Ave , map
Rationale describing the specific problems or objectives this project will address: "SERVICE IMPROVEMENT AND ENHANCEMENT- This project will replace the current low play-value/ less challenging playground equipment with modern multi-task structures that will provide greater physical challenges and better social interaction." Read more >>
Lynngate Park playground maintenance history
This playground is at the moment just an empty patch of sand at the very edge of a park dominated by an open baseball field. The sand has recent tractor tires in it. Right next to the playground area is a primary school, not separated by a fence. Further back in the schoolyard, a very large new playground set is also just being installed.
The playground and the sports filed are separated by some very fine evergreens.
A stone's throw from the new park playground built by KSL is a newish school playground built by Henderson. The playgrounds are virtually identical. Both playground company owners used to work together at Paris Playgrounds; both have been on the CSA playground committee from the beginning, establishing and revising the standards. Both have received numerous playground contracts. The colour scheme is the same -- beige and dark green presumably supposed to fit in with forests and 'natural elements.' But the Henderson slides are blue -- 'sky'?