Centre For Local Research into Public Space (CELOS)

See also Site Map

Citizen-Z Cavan Young's 2004 film about the zamboni crisis





Recreation Infrastructure Canada (RInC) Program Application

Project type: New construction that is either adding to or replacing existing recreation infrastructure assets or capacity

Project description: enhancement of the existing playground to a modern multi-task structure

Rationale describing the specific problems or objectives this project will address: SERVICE IMPROVEMENT AND ENHANCEMENT- This project will replace the current low play-value/ less challenging playground equipment with modern multi-task structures that will provide greater physical challenges and better social interaction.

The project is part of a city-wide initiative to maintain and enhance Parks, Forestry and recreation’s 850+ playground inventory.

Will the project improve accessibility to the asset? Yes

If yes, describe how the project increases public access to, and participation in, the facility and/or activity

The construction of new Parks, Forestry and Recreation facilities and amenities are designed to incorporate the council-approved “City of Toronto Accessibility Design Guidelines” (ADG) and the Ontario Disabilities Act (ODA) to optimize independent access to persons with disabilities and to improve access to all.

Will the project extend the life of the asset? Yes

If yes, describe how the project will extend the life of the infrastructure.

This is a new facility and will be maintained in the future as part of the state of good repair program in order to get the maximum life expectancy this facility is able to provide.


Design/Engineering: $5000

Construction: $77,000

Project management: $8000

Contingency: $10,000

Total: $100,000. $33,000 federal, $33,000 provincial, $34,000 municipal.

Content last modified on October 29, 2010, at 06:42 PM EST