Centre For Local Research into Public Space (CELOS)
Download Ward 18 SAP 2014 (xlsx)
2014: Part-time Rec Staff: $362,277 (including benefits) + wading pool: $13,822 (estimated, incl. benefits) + 1 full time CRP staff: $96,400 (estimated incl. benefits) = $472,499
SAP Materials/supplies costs for Dufferin Grove: $153,787
SAP Additional estimated weekly wading pool costs per wading pool: $550
Total SAP Rec cost for Dufferin Grove: $626,836 minus $171,820 income = $455,016
Download daily income chart, Dufferin Grove 2014 Jan to March (xls)
Download daily income chart, Dufferin Grove 2014 Apr to Dec (xls)
Income Codes used: 8546 cafeteria revenue, 8650 ski rental, 9605 sale of materials, 9020 location permits, 9450 sundry revenue.
The daily document is unreliable in a number of ways.
The April to Dec. cover page/bar graph has three months wrong: June, July and August. It gives the total income as April 1 to Dec.31: $103,889. The real total using the monthly pages April to Dec. is $130,968.
When added to the total for Jan 1 to Mar 31 daily pages ($36,190), it appears that all together the 2014 income was $167,158. This number gets much closer to the stated SAP total food/skates income of $168,860, but is still out by over $1500.
There is inconsistent allocation of cost elements between the SAP and daily documents.
There are also quite a number of errors in data entry. A few examples:
In other words, the daily income chart has errors in data entry that block a realistic assessment of Dufferin Grove program income, that is, which programs are doing well and which are in trouble.
See some 2014 income numbers here:
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