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Citizen-Z Cavan Young's 2004 film about the zamboni crisis





Financial Records 2014 Notes

Download Ward 18 SAP 2014 (xlsx)

2014: Part-time Rec Staff: $362,277 (including benefits) + wading pool: $13,822 (estimated, incl. benefits) + 1 full time CRP staff: $96,400 (estimated incl. benefits) = $472,499

SAP Materials/supplies costs for Dufferin Grove: $153,787

SAP Additional estimated weekly wading pool costs per wading pool: $550

Total SAP Rec cost for Dufferin Grove: $626,836 minus $171,820 income = $455,016

Letters to managers

2014 daily DG income document, FOI:

Download daily income chart, Dufferin Grove 2014 Jan to March (xls)

Download daily income chart, Dufferin Grove 2014 Apr to Dec (xls)

Income Codes used: 8546 cafeteria revenue, 8650 ski rental, 9605 sale of materials, 9020 location permits, 9450 sundry revenue.

The daily document is unreliable in a number of ways.

The April to Dec. cover page/bar graph has three months wrong: June, July and August. It gives the total income as April 1 to Dec.31: $103,889. The real total using the monthly pages April to Dec. is $130,968.

When added to the total for Jan 1 to Mar 31 daily pages ($36,190), it appears that all together the 2014 income was $167,158. This number gets much closer to the stated SAP total food/skates income of $168,860, but is still out by over $1500.

There is inconsistent allocation of cost elements between the SAP and daily documents.

There are also quite a number of errors in data entry. A few examples:


  • only $20 was entered July 10, although it was a market day.
  • No numbers were entered at all July 11 – 15.
  • July 25, a big Friday Night Supper but no cob cafe income was entered.


  • that month had 4 Thursdays and 4 Fridays. The daily DG report has 5 entries for markets and 5 entries for FNS – i.e. unusually high income for Sept. The reason is that the identical amounts for the market and Friday Night Supper were entered twice in the same week.

In other words, the daily income chart has errors in data entry that block a realistic assessment of Dufferin Grove program income, that is, which programs are doing well and which are in trouble.

See some 2014 income numbers here:

comparative income chart, Friday Night Supper

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Content last modified on April 11, 2018, at 02:29 PM EST