Centre For Local Research into Public Space (CELOS)

See also Site Map

Citizen-Z Cavan Young's 2004 film about the zamboni crisis







All Outdoor Recreational Amenities across Province Now Closed March 30 2020

Ontario Parks to Remain Closed until May 31, 2020 Apr 25 2020

Ontario Opening Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves May 9 2020 Access for Limited Recreational Activities at Ontario Parks Permitted While Maintaining Physical Distancing starting may 11-15, "On Monday, 520 provincial parks and conservation reserves across the province will open, and the remaining 115 will open on the following Friday for limited day-use activities. At this time, camping and other activities are not permitted at any provincial park or conservation reserve. All buildings and facilities including washrooms, water taps, campgrounds, backcountry campsites, roofed accommodations, playgrounds, and beaches continue to be closed."

1. lab testing (where? when?) showing live covid on swings etc.
2. playgrounds re-opening elsewhere in the world (where?)
3. any pushback/critical comments against playgrounds being closed


"There is no specific evidence documenting transmission through fomites. However, the virus has been detected on surfaces in the patient environment and this is a likely source of transmission based on experience with other coronaviruses.'' May 28 PHO

How Fast Does Sunlight Kill Coronavirus? May 22 2020 "Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America on May 20, 2020, is the first to demonstrate that UVB levels representative of natural sunlight rapidly inactivates the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus on surfaces, specifically virus dried on stainless steel" "However, in order to fully assess the risk of exposure in outdoor environments, information on the viral load present on surfaces, the transfer efficiency of coronavirus from those surfaces upon contact, and the amount of virus needed to cause infection are also needed."

"In terms of half-life, the research team found that it takes about 66 minutes for half the virus particles to lose function if they are in an aerosol droplet." "On plastic and stainless steel, viable virus could be detected after three days. On cardboard, the virus was not viable after 24 hours. On copper, it took 4 hours for the virus to become inactivated."

The tests show that when the virus is carried by the droplets released when someone coughs or sneezes, it remains viable, or able to still infect people, in aerosols for at least three hours. virus lasted longer on plastic than on any other material they tested — it took 16 hours for half of the COVID-19 to die, and the sample didn’t completely disappear from the surface for 2-3 days Quoted from this study: Aerosol and surface stability of HCoV-19 (SARS-CoV-2) compared to SARS-CoV-1 March 10 2020 published this version

but also says: "sandboxes are cesspools"

Playground Germs: How Dirty Are They? 2011

https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/how-covid-spreads.html | How Covid 19 spreads]] June 1 The virus may be spread in other ways

"It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes. This is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads, but we are still learning more about how this virus spreads." This statement from CDC has lead some to say that CDC has changed its tune on playground safety. But we have seen this warning since March 22. "The CDC now estimates that 35% of all people with COVID-19 are asymptomatic, but notes those individuals are "100%" as infectious as those with symptoms. Also, 40% of the virus' transmission happens before people feel sick, the CDC estimates — highlighting the need for social distancing and masks. The agency suspects the mean time between exposure and feeling symptoms is 6 days. " : https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/planning-scenarios.html


Saugerties to use biocide to kill virus on playgrounds May 28 2020 MaxxClean

''comments: NYArtist May 30, 2020 at 12:23 pm Spraying a childrens playground with poison is a terrible idea. The virus is killed in the sunlight and dies quickly on surfaces. The long term effects of chemicals with children include autism, cancer and learning disabilities. Just give out masks and place a sign describing safety measures.''

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Cleaning solutions With our experience, resources and technical capabilities, your play areas will be safe in our hands.

Playground cleaning entrepreneurs March 18 2020, USA: Seminole County: https://www.facebook.com/pg/GoldenGatorSoftWashing bleanch, germicide, rinse and neutralizer "keep kids safe" another business this from Texas called Germ Logic : bio spray hospital grade disinfectant. "Listening to CDC and in full ppe" 39 cases most 40 and older, most men in this city march 21 https://youtu.be/ud907lOqLqw


Select number of public washrooms {reopen in Oakville} including Bronte Beach, Fisherman's Warf, Bronte Outer Harbour, Tannery Park, Wallace Park, Lakeside Park, Lawson Park, Coronation Park, Burloak Canoe Club, George Savage Park, Memorial Park, Isaac Park, Fowley Park June 9

BC enters phase 2

The city (Calgary) will start opening playgrounds today and expects to have them all open by June 3 May 30 2020

Outdoor Spaces Re-opening as of May 22 Playgrounds, skateparks, tennis, pickleball, volleyball and basketball courts, disc golf, outdoor fitness parks and athletic tracks have re-opened for safe use Spray Parks are closed for the 2020 season. EdmontonGuidelines

Playgrounds could re-open soon: Medical health officer Dawar said this same observation about children being less susceptible was seen in China. Therefore, the decision was made to test a lot of children in B.C., but the virus has not turned up in great numbers.

Picnic tables and benches are opening this week (in Oakville) May 20

April 22, 2020: Letter to outdoor recreation facility operators Vancouver

''The Provincial Health Officer has not issued any orders requiring the closure of outdoor recreation facilities such as parks, dog parks, skate parks, playgrounds, picnic areas, walking, running and cycling trails, beaches, piers, boat launches, athletics fields, outdoor exercise equipment, tennis and basketball courts and golf courses as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Vancouver Coastal Health believes that the risk of COVID-19 transmission in these environments is low and that it is possible to safely operate these facilities at this time. ''

CDC says swimming pools ok to open May 19 Do: Play it safe around and in swimming pools, and keep space between yourself and other. There is no evidence that COVID-19 can be spread to humans through the water. Proper operation, maintenance, and disinfection (with chlorine or bromine) of pools should kill COVID-19. Not playgrounds Do not use playgrounds, including water playgrounds, located within local, state, or national parks.Using playgrounds might lead to the spread of COVID-19 because:They are often crowded and could easily exceed recommended guidance for gatherings. It can be challenging to keep surfaces clean and disinfected. The virus can spread when young children touch contaminated equipment and then touch their hands to their eyes, nose, or mouth.


https://www.dw.com/en/coronavirus-germany-eases-covid-19-restrictions-on-playgrounds-churches/a-53286702 | Coronavirus: Germany eases COVID-19 restrictions on playgrounds, churches]] April 30

Playgrounds deemed safe to reopen

South Australians should feel safe visiting parks and playgrounds once again now that there is no evidence of community transmission of COVID-19...The letter outlines suggested cleaning and hygiene measures to be taken by councils including regular cleaning of play equipment with detergent-based products, especially during peak times. It also suggests that cleaning and disinfection programs for public toilets be increased.Social distancing measures should remain in place, however....While there was no official direction in place that mandated the closure of parks or playgrounds, many councils took precautions such as fencing or taping-off play equipment to prevent its use. ...This, coupled with the opening of our schools, will further contribute to the health and wellbeing of our children," she said.

Alabama Reopens Casinos, Churches and Playgrounds Despite Increase in Coronavirus Cases may 23 " New daily cases have risen to 307 from 268, and the rate of daily tests coming back positive has increased from 6.7% to 7.5%...The parking lots outside some Birmingham-area restaurants and breweries are filling up again, and the state’s beaches have been packed since reopening April 30. About two dozen adults and children filled a reopened suburban playground Friday; no one wore a mask, and no one was cleaning the slides and swings between uses.''

[[https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-05-03/sa-playgrounds-reopen-after-coronavirus-free-streak/12209046 | South Australian councils have been given the green light to reopen playgrounds after the state recorded 11 days without a new coronavirus case]] MAy 8 2020 (ed note: rate of increase slowing and then playgrounds/gym closed - march 30 2020)

Schoolyards to stay open in Japan emergency so kids can ease stress April apr 8 2020 The revised guidelines call for the consideration of allowing access to schoolyards on the condition that children avoid closed spaces, gatherings and close contact with others, or situations with higher infection risks.

Weird Innovation

See-saws are not affected: German team develops anti-coronavirus playground


Containing the Epidemic: Should Schools Close for Coronavirus? Feb 28 2020

School closure can be an effective measure to contain the spread of influenza, but timing and implementation matters. Closing some parts of a school may contain the epidemic and reduce the negative consequences of full school closure In fragile states the adverse effects of school closure can be devastating: disruption of education can leave children at risk of child labour, early marriage, sexual exploitation, and even recruitment into militias...The longer a child is out of school the less likely they are to return. Will edtech finally have its day?

Child care for health care and frontline staff

Province Takes Steps to Ensure Frontline Staff Can Continue to Work

Guidlines for schools from CDC May 19 Teach and reinforce use of cloth face coverings more here


[[https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/ncov/epi/2020/05/covid-19-epi-infection-children.pdf?la=en | COVID-19 Infection in Children: January 15, 2020 to May 12, 2020 ]] Ontario May 27 ''The most frequently reported acquisition exposure type among cases in children was close contact with a confirmed case (260 cases, 45.5%), while the most frequently reported exposure type among cases in adults was a link to an outbreak setting (8,985 cases, 43.5%). ''

[[https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/ncov/what-we-know-children-feb-21-2020.pdf?la=en | COVID19 - What We Know So Far About…. Infection in Children ]] May 15 Ontario Public health "Evidence to date suggests that approximately 1-10% of COVID-19 cases are in children" Also has some international statisics

Covid-19 In Children: A Detailed Study Of 10 Italian Children

Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children and adolescents temporally related to COVID-19

No evidence of secondary transmission of COVID-19 from children attending school in Ireland, 2020 separator 28 May 2020 "The results moreover echo the experience of other countries, where children are not emerging as considerable drivers of transmission of COVID-19"

Study: Household COVID-19 infection rarely starts with children May 26


In April, almost 40 million children missed their polio drops in Pakistan after the cancellation of the nationwide vaccination campaign. Jun 2 2020

Children play a minor role in the spread of the virus June 2 "The primary schools have partially opened since 11 May."


Keep the Parks Open but says playgrounds are high risk

Content last modified on June 09, 2020, at 04:06 PM EST