Centre For Local Research into Public Space (CELOS)

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Citizen-Z Cavan Young's 2004 film about the zamboni crisis





posted February 26, 2009

We are experimenting with presentation groupings of City programs that we hope will make the information a little easier to grasp. At over 50,602 approved full time equivalent staff positions, the city is pretty big and complex. These are staff numbers from the 2008 budget. There are 49 programs listed in the 2008 budget, which are presented in the horizontal charts below.

Major categories: General Services, Special Services, and Central Services

We define General Services as city services that are widely deployed, offered routinely to all, and comprise some of the basic practical services that keep the city going. Includes things like transit, parks, libraries, garbage pickup, water, and sewage.

Special Services are more in the nature of supportive interventions, and are directed to specific individuals or groups. Includes things like emergency services, public health, homes for the aged, and bylaw enforcement.

Central services are the centralized services which are mostly there to support the other city services. Includes Corporate services like general planning, accounting, etc.; support for the city's buildings and vehicles; and groups like City Council and the Councillor's offices. Also the impending 311 service.


See the source spreadsheet for these graphs.

General Services
Roads & Transportation
Commons & Recreation
Water & Waste
Special Services
Emergency Services
Health & Welfare
Custodial Services
Licensing & Enforcement
Central Services
Asset Management
Corporate Services
Urban Development
Public Engagement

Content last modified on October 03, 2010, at 05:44 PM EST