Centre For Local Research into Public Space (CELOS)
February, 2002
When Supt.Gottschalk was first transferred to Fourteen Division almost two years ago, he called to say he wanted to visit the park, to find out a bit more about our neighbourhood. Before he could make it, various problems arose with the police, including a serious public beating on the basketball court that got very little investigation. Since then we have requested a meeting a few more times, but nothing happened. Then, out of the blue, last week, Supt.Gottschalk called to say he was coming to visit the rink on Tuesday January 8. This time it was really a close call. The coffee was on, the Solicitor-General crime prevention grant report was laid out, the picture display was set up - but then 10 minutes before the expected arrival, the superintendent's secretary called to cancel.
But since we got that close, we think the visit will definitely take place, maybe even soon.