Centre For Local Research into Public Space (CELOS)
posted March 24, 2008
NOTE: IN 2006 the committee councils for Parks and Recreation were under the tittle: Economic Development and Parks.
No agenda listed
From the minutes: ://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/2006/minutes/committees/edp/edp060912.pdf
Redevelopment of the Eastern Beaches Food Service Facilities ((Ward 32 Beaches-East York)
Recreation Facilities (All Wards)
Grandravine Athletic Association (Ward 9 York Centre)
Operating and Capital Funding Requirements (All Wards)
Permits and Permits for Bicycle Races in High Park
Recreation Strategic Plan (All Wards)
Lake Shore Boulevard, the Don Valley to Coxwell Avenue (Ward 30 Toronto-Danforth and Ward 32 Beaches-East York)
for the 2007 Carnival Festival” and 2006 Festival Audit
Agenda link: ://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/2006/agendas/committees/edp/edp060706/agenda.pdf
Minutes link: ://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/2006/minutes/committees/edp/edp060706.pdf
Decision Document link: ://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/2006/agendas/committees/edp/edp060706/edpdd.pdf
(Various Wards)
(Ward 26 Don Valley West)
(All Wards)
(All Wards)
(Ward 32 Beaches-East York)
(Various Wards)
(Ward 16 Eglinton-Lawrence)
(Ward 9 York Centre)
System Sign Installation and Bikeway Network Trails (City-Wide)