Centre For Local Research into Public Space (CELOS)
There’s lots to read about the park. The 2007 CELOS Municipal Outdoor Rinks Report (20 pages, by rink staff and Jutta Mason) has been put on the agenda of City Council’s Parks and the Environment Committee for their next meeting on April 10. A workbook of actual examples will go along with the report. The Campfire Handbook for Parks (34 pages) by Jutta Mason has been expanded twice, as the bureaucratic ball bounces back and forth between City staff and campfire friends. Market manager Anne Freeman and park baker Anna Bekerman co-wrote The Dufferin Grove Organic Farmers’ Market (18 pages with lots of colour illustrations by photographer Laura Berman), explaining how that market works. The first version of The Real World of Safety and Liability Legislation in Public Space (many contributors) is almost ready. All of these booklets are posted on the web as well. And the 3-1-1 web section, which tracks all follow-up of park problems, publishes most e-mails connected with park issues: Problems & Follow-up. All this material is available at the park.