Centre For Local Research into Public Space (CELOS)

See also Site Map

Citizen-Z Cavan Young's 2004 film about the zamboni crisis





Maintenance Log for MacGregor Fieldhouse:

According to the City's Facilities manager, the new computer system includes years from 2006 on.

  • In 2006, $1000 was spent.
  • In 2007, $19,000 was spent, of which $15,000 was for a new roof. It appears that this did not include the fascia boards at the edge of the roof. Nor did it include a ``bridge`` to prevent water from pooling between the steep roof and the long chimney. The manager said that the City typically does not put eaves-troughs on buildings, because that means more maintenance (leaves have to be cleared out, there can be vandalism, etc.). He did say that this rule would not apply if the building seems to have a moisture problem.

As far as the manager can recall, the roof repair was not requested by Parks. Most likely it was done because the Facility Maintenance staff noticed the poor condition of the roof and were concerned that the inside of the building would get water damage if the roof continued to deteriorate.

  • In 2008, $3500 was spent, on regular maintenance.

The manager also said that if there is a meeting about repairs/alterations to the building, he would be glad to send one of his staff, to provide input.

Content last modified on November 19, 2009, at 03:19 AM EST