Centre For Local Research into Public Space (CELOS)

See also Site Map

Citizen-Z Cavan Young's 2004 film about the zamboni crisis




Construction schedule

1. First schedule: issued April 17 spreadsheet. Expected completion date: June 11.
2. Second (revised) schedule: issued July 16. Expected completion date: August 6.

1) Door Frames - They have been delivered to the site and installation will commence shortly. Door delivery is expected by July 27/10.

2) Flooring - Complete by July 23/10.

3) Painting - Commence next week, after installation of the door frames and completed after door installation, by Aug. 6/10.

4) new Washroom Privacy Partition - Installation during the week of July 26/10.

5) Window Screens - Installation during the week of July 26/10

3. Third (revised) schedule: issued Aug.17. Expected completion date: August 31.

"...the project is getting back on track and should be completed by the end of the month.

The flooring has now been installed. The doors are scheduled to be on site today, with installation being completed by next Monday. The windows refinishing is to be completed after doors.

The exterior painting/touchups has started as well. I will be on site regularly over the next few weeks to monitor progress and will provide regular updates. Smaller deficiencies will be addressed over the next 2 weeks."

Fourth (revised) schedule: issued August 20. Expected completion of doors and floors: August 27.

"The contractor has began working on the window refinishing and the screens.

''The basement is being worked on as well, removal of old paint and new finishing is taking place. Hosebibs have been installed n both washrooms. Next week we should have the doors with hardware completed, and flooring finishes completed.''"

Content last modified on September 05, 2010, at 12:54 PM EST