Centre For Local Research into Public Space (CELOS)
Amy Sutherland <amy@quist.ca>, Sabina Mujahed <sabina_mujahed@yahoo.co.in>, R.V.Burgess Park. Thorncliffe Park Women's Committee
Heather O'Meara, Advisory Council, Jimmie Simpson Community Recreation Centre, Jimmie Simpson Artificial Ice Rink: omeara@ymail.com
Sally Bliss, Greenwood Park and Greenwood Rink, Friends of Greenwood Park: [[(mailto:)sallybliss@rogers.com ]] Jacques Paradis, Friends of Greenwood Park, <jacques.paradis@sympatico.ca>
Jennifer Hunter, Vermont Square Park, jennypenny66@rogers.com
Richard Brault, Alex Wilson Community Garden, innova@bellnet.ca. http://www.tcgn.ca/wiki/wiki.php?n=TorontoGardens.AlexWilsonCommunityGarden
Jennifer Deyell, Healey Willan Park, jennifer.deyell@gmail.com. http://healeywillanpark.wordpress.com/about/
Sharon Lovett, High Park Nature Group, s.lovett@sympatico.ca, http://highparknature.org/wiki/wiki.php?n=HighParkNature.FrontPage. Also Karen Yukich.
Robin Sorys, High Park Advisory Council, Chair@highpark.org. http://www.highpark.org/
Anna Hill, Friends of Trinity Bellwoods Park, greenspace@trinitybellwoods.ca. http://www.trinitybellwoods.ca/
Anna Hill's presentation and talking points about the Friends of Trinity Bellwoods, at a panel discussion hosted by the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects with Ground – Landscape Architect Quarterly.
Jane Wells, Trinity Bellwoods CARE program (also T-B greenhouse) <dockriver@yahoo.ca>
Rhonda Teitel Payne, Earlscourt Community Garden, <rhonda@thestop.org>. http://www.tcgn.ca/wiki/wiki.php?n=TorontoGardens.EarlscourtGarden
Susan Berman, Perth-Dupont Community Garden, mail@tcgn.ca. Susan is also the "web librarian" of the TCGN site (Toronto Community Garden network," http://www.tcgn.ca/wiki/wiki.php?n=TorontoGardens.FrontPage
Roberta Stimac, Withrow Park farmers' market, withrowpark@parkcommons.ca. http://withrowpark.ca/wiki/wiki.php
Ayal Dinner, Sorauren Park farmers' market, ayaldinner@gmail.com
Doug Bennet, Sorauren Park and Wabash Building Society, dbennet@sympatico.ca. http://www.soraurenpark.com/parkinfo.html
Julia Graham, Bell Manor Park (Stonegate Health Centre) julia.graham@stonegatechc.org. http://www.tcgn.ca/wiki/wiki.php?n=TorontoGardens.BellManorGarden; Star article
Monica Gupta, Friends of Christie Pits, friendschristiepits@gmail.com, <mongupta@hotmail.com> http://christiepits.ca/. For gardens at Christie Pits: CPCGTO@gmail.com, http://www.tcgn.ca/wiki/wiki.php?n=TorontoGardens.ChristiePitsCommunityGarden
Elizabeth Harris, Friends of Riverdale Farm, elizharr@rogers.com. http://www.friendsofriverdalefarm.com/ also Daniel Eldridge dheldridge@yahoo.com (also Riverdale Farm Advisory Council)
Sunday Harrison, mostly school gardens but also at Riverdale Farm and Allan Gardens: sunday_h@sympatico.ca. http://kidsgrowing.ca/wiki/wiki.php?n=ParkBased.FrontPage
Julia Huterer, New Horizons Garden, 416-534-7400/223, jhuterer@costi.org http://newhorizonsgarden.ca/wiki/wiki.php?n=AboutUs.FrontPage
Kristen Fahrig, artist-in-residence at MacGregor Park, kristenfahrig@sympatico.ca. http://macgregorpark.ca/wiki/wiki.php
Tim Flood, coordinator of Swansea Hockey (Rennie outdoor rink): floody@rogers.com. http://www.swanseahockeyassociation.com/
Vince Pagano, president of Joseph J. Picinnini Community Recreation Centre and Giovanni Caboto outdoor rink advisory council: vpagano@crestwoodprepco.com
Carolin Taron, "Flower fairies" gardener (multiple gardens including some substantial ones in parks) westendflowerfairies@hotmail.com. For example: http://www.tcgn.ca/wiki/wiki.php?n=TorontoGardens.EmersonAvenueCommunityGarden
Ulli Rath, Friends of Oriole Park ulli.rath@rogers.com. http://www.friendsoforiolepark.com/
Jean-Marie Boutot, jmboutot@lefca.org, Eglinton Flats contact, with wild life protectors there.
Anan Lololi: Afri-Can Food basket, Lawrence Heights. http://www.africanfoodbasket.com/gallery.html (info at?) website says "under construction."
Janine Rechsteiner, Woodford Park -- jgrechsteiner@hotmail.com -- raising money for a playground?
Morningside Park Resource Group: Paul Ainsley, also talk to Katie Fullerton, k_fullerton@sympatico.ca
Geoff Rayes, geoffrayes@gmail.com, setting up a park under the Hydro Lines in the Annex, which is supposed to include a small solar farm.