Centre For Local Research into Public Space (CELOS)

See also Site Map

Citizen-Z Cavan Young's 2004 film about the zamboni crisis





Click on poster to enlarge it.

Speakers' Series: March 27, 6 to 8 pm. Friday Night Supper and "Nessie the Hydraulophone"

Dave Gildiner, who lives near the park, is part of a group that invented a new type of musical instrument that runs on water. It's called a "Nessie Hydraulophone." On Friday March 27, right after Friday Night Supper, "Nessie" will be setup in the rinkhouse for people to play. Dave's group wants to donate this instrument to the playground. Here's what they say about Nessie.


Content last modified on April 01, 2009, at 02:48 PM EST