Centre For Local Research into Public Space (CELOS)
1. USE OF LOCALLY PRODUCED GOODS AND SERVICES purchase of goods and services produced locally circulation of income within the local community; less income drain stronger economic linkages within the local community less dependency on outside markets greater community self-reliance restoration of balance in the local economy
2. PRODUCTION OF GOODS AND SERVICES FOR LOCAL USE creation of goods and services for use in the local community circulation of income within the local community; less income drain stronger economic links within the local community less dependency on outside markets greater community self-reliance
3. LOCAL RE-INVESTMENT OF PROFITS use of profits to expand local economic activity stop profit drain investment that increases community self-reliance and co-operation
4. LONG-TERM EMPLOYMENT OF LOCAL RESIDENTS long-term jobs in areas with chronic unemployment or underemployment reduced dependency on welfare and food banks opportunities to live more socially productive lives
personal and community self-esteem more wages and salaries spent in the local community
5. LOCAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT training of local residents training geared to community development higher labour productivity greater employability in communities with high unemployment greater productive capability of economically depressed areas
6. LOCAL DECISION-MAKING local ownership and control co-operative ownership and control grassroots involvement community self-determination people working together to meet community needs
7. PUBLIC HEALTH physical and mental health of community residents healthier families more effective schooling more productive workforce
8. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT healthy, safe, attractive neighbourhoods ecological sensitivity
9. NEIGHBOURHOOD STABILITY dependable housing long-term residency base for long-term community development
10. HUMAN DIGNITY self-respect community spirit gender equality respect for seniors and children aboriginal pride social dignity regardless of psychological differences, ethnic background, colour, creed or sexual orientation
11. SUPPORT FOR OTHER CED INITIATIVES mutually supportive trade among organizations with similar community development goals