Centre For Local Research into Public Space (CELOS)

See also Site Map

Citizen-Z Cavan Young's 2004 film about the zamboni crisis





Christie Pits

From Christie-Ossington Neighbourhood Centre (CONC):

So it must have been maybe around 2001-2005ish that we had 2 part-time staff in CONC’s The Nook Children’s Program that were paid by Parks & Rec (just for Sept-June, we paid for summer staff with grants and worked right out of Christie Pits in July-Aug). We were running an after-school program at Bob Abate so we worked in partnership (had permanent storage for all of our equipment, signage, a children’s library set up, etc.) at that location until they increased city-run programming there and reclaimed the space we were using.

We moved to the Alex Duff Pool building (which at the time was only being used in the summer for lifeguards so we programmed out of Christie Pits all summer), then to St. Raymond’s School where we pay reasonable rent and are now mostly separate from Parks & Rec. We use the rink for our hockey program and the pool in the summer.

Content last modified on January 30, 2017, at 02:40 PM EST