
346 Lansdowne Avenue, Toronto

MacGregor Park





Wading Pool Is OPEN till September 5th, 2010

Our hours are: Monday-Friday 10:30am--5:30pm Saturday & Sunday 11:30--6pm

Schedule of programming for August

Crafts Table

Daily crafts from 10-4pm. Popsicles, water and juice are available for sale. Prices are suggested donations only, so feel free to pay less or more.

Gardens (every day children can help water the gardens and sample some edible flowers, herbs or fruits)

Every Saturday - kids can have a garden work shop with the ladies who planted this year's gardens.

Monday Night Family Campfire

7pm-9pm Featuring surprizes--soup made from the park garden veggies, hotdogs, marshmallows and popped corn.


11am-1pm Teresa will be available for crochet club. Bring your needles ladies and gentlemen for crafting adventures extraordinaire!
2pm Staff/kid yoga by the pool.

Wednesday is Waffles Day

10:30-12 noon. Waffles will be wheat-based with milk and eggs. Patrons, aka kids, will help mix the batter, and then park staff will pour it into an electric waffle iron to cook. We will serve them with blackberries and brown sugar. Bring your own syrup or other toppings or own batter. Yummy!


Wednesday afternoon Soccer with Manny 1pm-4pm

Arts and Crafts Centre

The month of Auguest has volunteer Jason at the Arts and Crafts Centre. This week will include Wednesday working with clay and return on Friday to paint your work.

Frisbee, balls to play with

Borrow from staff any day from 10am-4pm. Also pool staff Dakota is willing to coach basketball when time permits, so please ask.

Tostada Thursdays

This Thursday at noon (12pm) marks the return of the MacGregor Park's tostada. Also, Yoga with staffperson Teresa.

Crafts with Jason: Tie-dye a shirt

Friday 10am-4pm

Content last modified on June 10, 2013, at 06:34 PM EST